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FAQs & Guidelines About the Augusta Market

Generators MUST Be Quiet Generators, No Exceptions
No Refunds or Rescheduling

$25.00/wk for standard booth space, $35.00/wk for Food or Beverage booth space.

Optional Tent rental: $20

Optional Table rental: $10

Yes. Go to the Online Application page to submit your application and reserve your spot with payment. You will only be notified if your product is not approved.

Yes. Go to the Online Application page to pay via PayPal. You DO NOT have to have a PayPal account to use this feature, you can use a regular credit card.

Yes. You can apply to be a vendor for one Saturday only.

Reserved spaces are arranged for Vendor Members. Placement per Saturday for non-Vendor Members are determined by the Director, any requests should be made in advance and if possible will be determined by Director.

36 Saturdays. The Market Season runs every Saturday, rain or shine – the third Saturday of March through the third Saturday of November.

Yes. You must have your product approved by the Market committee one time each year prior to exhibiting. To do so, go to the Online Application page and submit your form and email a picture of your product. Then, you can reserve your spot with a payment. You will be contacted if your products are NOT approved. This is a family friendly market and items that are deemed inappropriate may not be allowed.

Yes. Tents and tables are available for rent. Reserve yours on the Tent & Table page.

Set up is from 6 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. All booths must be completely set up by 7:30, the market opens to the public at 8 a.m. Pull up to the brick plaza – a market volunteer will approach, great and lead you to your assigned space – please advise them as to whether or not you are a first time vendor. Once in the appropriate space, unload all the contents you will need for your booth. After unloading, please park your vehicle in the designated area, come back and begin to set up your booth.

No. You may only break down your booth before 2:00 p.m. if you are COMPLETELY sold out of your items. Early departure or breakdown with prior authorization may result in forfeiting your ability to participate again.

No. You may smoke in designated areas – the parking lot.

Yes. Before 8 am to unload and after 2 pm to load. period. Absolutely no vehicle on the plaza between 8 and 2 pm. Please see “Setup Procedures and Times” answer for rules regarding unloading.

All vendors must dispose of wast/garbage. Do not use the trash cans. They are for patrons. Take it with you to dispose of off site. Failure to remove ALL trash, boxes, or other waste may result in forfeiting your rights to participate again. If you are caught disposing of waste materials improperly (ex. dumping cooking oil down drains or throwing rock salt on the ground or at the base of trees) you will forfeit any form of participation in any and all Augusta Market and Augusta Market sponsored events.

Yes. You are required to be compliant with sales tax collection rules as a retailer. For info here: What is Subject to Sales Tax.

Questions? Contact:
Augusta Regional Office/Compliance Division Georgia Department of Revenue

Not at this time, pending upgrade to plaza information will be forthcoming. QUIET generators are permitted and subject to director approval.


There are no refunds or reschedules. In the rare event the market itself is canceled you may request a refund by email to Notice of market cancellation will be made by Midnight Friday prior to event cancellation. This is a very rare as the market is open rain or shine.

Yes, any heat source requires a 5lbs class ABC Fire extinguisher visible to the public.

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